Refugees in Berlin – a horror story of political failure

Kinder in Berlin 8.11.To all my friends around the globe – we need your help!

Here in Berlin we are desperate about our city government that does care for the refugees waiting at the central registration place LaGeSo in an appropriate way – letting them stand in the cold and rain for DAYS…see article in the New York times.

We have taken a lot of action – both to care for the refugees and get the politics – without any substantial change. As Berlin is a city depending on tourism it would be great if a lot of international people would help us increase the pressure on our government to act.

What you can do

1. Write to our Major Mr. Mueller – in your own words or use the text below. I think a few dozen or even hundreds of mails from around the globe will be noticed.


Dear Major Mueller,

I read in the New York times about the treatment that refugees experience at the LaGeSo in Berlin. I think this is horrible!
Berlin is a wonderful place and I think it can do so much better than this.
Please immediately take action and provide
-toilets, food and dry places for the refugees that wait
– improve the system

With best wishes from….


2. Petition

You can also sign our petition – the more signatures we have the betterürdige-zustände-vor-dem-lageso-beenden

3. Share this on to all of your friends!

Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, press contacts, email!

4. Pray
Somehow this massive inability to improve the situation is so weird, that we think only divine intervention helps…. please pray for a breakthrough in unflexibel bureaucracy (I now understand why the word bureau and CRAZY are combined here)

5. Give
If you want to help us help the refugees with blankets, Tee, Food etc. you can use paypal: – Please write „FOR REFUGEES“ in your donation.

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