Good Friday…
I thank you, Lord Jesus, for becoming a human being
so I do not have to pretend or try to be God.
I thank you, Lord Jesus, for becoming finite and limited
so I do not have to pretend that I am infinite and limitless.
I thank you, crucified God, for becoming mortal
so I do not have to try to make myself immortal.
I thank you, Lord Jesus, for becoming inferior
so I do not have to pretend that I am superior to anyone.
I thank you for being crucified outside the walls,
for being expelled and excluded like the sinners and outcasts,
so you can meet me where I feel that I am,
always outside the walls of worthiness.
I thank you for becoming weak, Lord Jesus,
so I don’t have to be strong.
I thank you for being willing to be considered imperfect and strange,
so I do not have to be perfect and normal.
I thank you, Jesus, for being willing to be disapproved of,
so I do not have to try so hard to be approved and liked.
I thank you for being considered a failure,
so I do not have to give my life trying to pretend I’m a success.
I thank you for being wrong by the standards of religion and state,
so I do not have to be right anywhere, even in my own mind.
By Richard Rohr / Meditations
[Den Text habe ich leider nur auf Englisch]
Dadurch, dass der Text „nur“ auf Englisch vorliegt, musste ich mir Zeit nehmen, um ihn zu lesen und zu verstehen. Ich konnte nicht einfach „darüber huschen“, um auf die Schnelle das Wichtigste mitzunehmen. Und genau das verdient der Text – dass man sich Zeit nimmt und es wirken lässt. Danke.